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An extremely fast, zero-config bundler for TypeScript & JavaScript, powered by Bun and oxc.


Bunup outperforms other popular bundlers by a significant margin:

BundlerFormatBuild TimeBuild Time (with dts)
bunupesm, cjs0.86ms ⚡️7.54ms ⚡️
tsdownesm, cjs3.57ms15.73ms
unbuildesm, cjs12.79ms252.01ms
tsupesm, cjs10.53ms665.55ms

Lower build time is better. Benchmark run on the same code with identical output formats.

To run the benchmarks yourself, clone this repo and run pnpm benchmark and check in the benchmarks folder.

What Can It Bundle?

Bunup handles various file types:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript (.js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .mjs, .cjs, .mts, .cts)
  • Data files (.json, .toml, .txt) - Parsed and inlined automatically
  • Assets (images, fonts, etc.) - Handled as external files


Bunup requires Bun to be installed on your system. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime that powers Bunup's exceptional performance.

To install Bun, please visit the official Bun installation page.

Quick Start

Get started with Bunup in seconds - install, configure, and build your TypeScript/JavaScript projects with minimal setup.


bun add --dev bunup
pnpm add --save-dev bunup
npm install --save-dev bunup
yarn add --dev bunup

Basic Usage

Create a simple TypeScript file:

// src/index.ts
export function greet(name: string): string {
      return `Hello, ${name}!`;

Bundle it with bunup:

bunup src/index.ts

This will create a bundled output in the dist directory with CommonJS format (the default).

Using with package.json

Add a build script to your package.json:

      "name": "my-package",
      "scripts": {
            "build": "bunup src/index.ts --format esm,cjs --dts"

Then run:

npm run build

Configuration File

Create a bunup.config.ts file for more control:

import {defineConfig} from 'bunup';

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      outDir: 'dist',
      format: ['esm', 'cjs'],
      dts: true,
      minify: true,


Bunup offers flexible configuration options to customize your build process. You can configure Bunup through a configuration file or command-line arguments.

Configuration File

Bunup supports configuration files in multiple formats:

  • bunup.config.ts
  • bunup.config.js
  • bunup.config.mjs
  • bunup.config.cjs
  • bunup.config.json
  • bunup.config.jsonc

Example configuration:

import {defineConfig} from 'bunup';

export default defineConfig({
      // Name for this build configuration (used in logs)
      name: 'my-library',

      // Entry points (can be an array or object)
      entry: ['src/index.ts', 'src/cli.ts'],

      // Output directory
      outDir: 'dist',

      // Output formats
      format: ['esm', 'cjs'],

      // TypeScript declaration generation
      dts: true,

      // Target environment
      target: 'node',

      // Minification options
      minify: true,

      // External dependencies
      external: ['react', 'react-dom'],

      // Clean output directory before build
      clean: true,

You can also export an array of configurations:

export default defineConfig([
            name: 'node',
            entry: ['src/index.ts'],
            format: ['cjs'],
            target: 'node',
            name: 'browser',
            entry: ['src/index.ts'],
            format: ['esm', 'iife'],
            target: 'browser',

JSON Configuration

If you prefer using a JSON configuration file (bunup.config.json or bunup.config.jsonc), the structure is similar but with a few differences:

      "name": "my-library",
      "entry": ["src/index.ts", "src/cli.ts"],
      "outDir": "dist",
      "format": ["esm", "cjs"],
      "dts": true,
      "target": "node",
      "minify": true,
      "external": ["react", "react-dom"],
      "clean": true

To define multiple configurations in JSON, use the bunup property with an array:

      "bunup": [
                  "name": "node",
                  "entry": ["src/index.ts"],
                  "format": ["cjs"],
                  "target": "node"
                  "name": "browser",
                  "entry": ["src/index.ts"],
                  "format": ["esm", "iife"],
                  "target": "browser"

For autocomplete and validation in your JSON configuration files, you can reference the Bunup JSON schema:

      "$schema": "",
      "name": "my-library",
      "entry": ["src/index.ts"]

CLI Options

Bunup supports various command-line options:

--entry <path>Entry file path[]
--entry.<name> <path>Named entry file path-
--out-dir <dir>-oOutput directorydist
--format <formats>-fOutput formats (comma-separated: esm,cjs,iife)cjs
--minify-mEnable all minification optionsfalse
--minify-whitespace-mwMinify whitespacefalse
--minify-identifiers-miMinify identifiersfalse
--minify-syntax-msMinify syntaxfalse
--watch-wWatch modefalse
--dts-dGenerate TypeScript declarationsfalse
--external <deps>-eExternal dependencies (comma-separated)[]
--no-external <deps>-neForce include dependencies (comma-separated)-
--target <target>-tTarget environment (node, browser, bun)node
--clean-cClean output directory before buildtrue
--splitting-sEnable code splittingFormat dependent
--sourcemap <type>-smSourcemap generation (none,linked,external,inline)none
--name <name>-nName for this build configuration-
--help-hDisplay help information-

Entry Points

Bunup supports multiple ways to define entry points. Entry points are the source files that Bunup will use as starting points for bundling.

Single Entry Point

The simplest way to define an entry point is to provide a single file path:

bunup src/index.ts

This will generate an output file named after the input file (e.g., dist/index.js).

Multiple Entry Points

You can specify multiple entry points in several ways:

Using the CLI with Multiple Positional Arguments

bunup src/index.ts src/cli.ts

This will generate output files named after each input file (e.g., dist/index.js and dist/cli.js).

Using the CLI with --entry Flag Multiple Times

bunup --entry src/index.ts --entry src/cli.ts

This achieves the same result as using positional arguments.

Using Named Entries in the CLI

Named entries allow you to specify custom output filenames:

bunup --entry.main src/index.ts --entry.cli src/cli.ts

This will generate output files with the specified names (e.g., dist/main.js and dist/cli.js).

Using a Configuration File with an Array

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts', 'src/cli.ts'],

This will generate output files named after each input file.

Using a Configuration File with Named Entries

export default defineConfig({
      entry: {
            main: 'src/index.ts',
            cli: 'src/cli.ts',
            utils: 'src/utils/index.ts',

This will generate output files with the specified names (e.g., dist/main.js, dist/cli.js, and dist/utils.js).

Why Use Named Entries?

Named entries are useful when:

  1. You want to customize the output filenames
  2. Your input filenames don't match your desired output names
  3. You have multiple files with the same basename in different directories
  4. You want to create a specific public API structure

For example, if you have src/utils/index.ts and src/components/index.ts, using named entries prevents naming conflicts in the output.

Output Formats

Bunup supports three output formats:

  • esm: ECMAScript modules (.mjs extension)
  • cjs: CommonJS modules (.js or .cjs extension)
  • iife: Immediately Invoked Function Expression (.global.js extension)

You can specify one or more formats:

In the CLI

# Single format
bunup src/index.ts --format esm

# Multiple formats (comma-separated, no spaces)
bunup src/index.ts --format esm,cjs,iife

In a Configuration File

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      // Single format
      format: ['esm'],

      // Or multiple formats
      // format: ['esm', 'cjs', 'iife'],

Output File Extensions

The file extensions are determined automatically based on the format and your package.json type field:

Formatpackage.json type: "module"package.json type: "commonjs" or unspecified

TypeScript Declarations

Bunup can generate TypeScript declaration files (.d.ts) for your code:

Basic Declaration Generation

To generate declarations for all entry points:

bunup src/index.ts --dts

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    dts: true,

Custom Declaration Entry Points

For more control, you can specify custom entry points for declarations:

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts', 'src/cli.ts'],
      dts: {
            // Only generate declarations for index.ts
            entry: ['src/index.ts'],

Named Declaration Entries

You can use named entries for declarations:

export default defineConfig({
      entry: {
            main: 'src/index.ts',
            cli: 'src/cli.ts',
      dts: {
            entry: {
                  // Generate types.d.ts from index.ts
                  types: 'src/index.ts',

Custom TypeScript Configuration

You can specify a custom tsconfig file for declaration generation:

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      dts: true,
      preferredTsconfigPath: './',

Declaration File Extensions

Declaration file extensions follow the same pattern as JavaScript files:

Formatpackage.json type: "module"package.json type: "commonjs" or unspecified

External Dependencies

By default, Bunup treats all dependencies from your package.json (dependencies and peerDependencies) as external. This means they won't be included in your bundle.

Specifying External Dependencies

You can explicitly mark additional packages as external:

In the CLI

# Single external dependency
bunup src/index.ts --external lodash

# Multiple external dependencies (comma-separated, no spaces)
bunup src/index.ts --external lodash,react,react-dom

In a Configuration File

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      external: ['lodash', 'react', '@some/package'],

Including Specific External Dependencies

You can force include specific dependencies that would otherwise be external:

In the CLI

bunup src/index.ts --external lodash --no-external lodash/merge

In a Configuration File

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      external: ['lodash'],
      noExternal: ['lodash/merge'], // Include lodash/merge even though lodash is external

Both external and noExternal support string patterns and regular expressions.

Code Splitting

Code splitting allows Bunup to split your code into multiple chunks for better performance and caching.

Default Behavior

  • Code splitting is enabled by default for ESM format
  • Code splitting is disabled by default for CJS and IIFE formats

Configuring Code Splitting

You can explicitly enable or disable code splitting:

In the CLI

# Enable code splitting
bunup src/index.ts --splitting

# Disable code splitting
bunup src/index.ts --splitting=false

In a Configuration File

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      format: ['esm', 'cjs'],
      // Enable for all formats
      splitting: true,

      // Or disable for all formats
      // splitting: false,


Bunup provides several minification options to reduce the size of your output files.

Basic Minification

To enable all minification options:

bunup src/index.ts --minify

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    minify: true,

Granular Minification Control

You can configure individual minification options:

In the CLI

# Minify whitespace only
bunup src/index.ts --minify-whitespace

# Minify whitespace and syntax, but not identifiers
bunup src/index.ts --minify-whitespace --minify-syntax

In a Configuration File

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      // Configure individual options
      minifyWhitespace: true,
      minifyIdentifiers: false,
      minifySyntax: true,

The minify option is a shorthand that enables all three specific options. If you set individual options, they take precedence over the minify setting.

Source Maps

Bunup can generate source maps for your bundled code:

bunup src/index.ts --sourcemap linked

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    sourcemap: 'linked',

Available sourcemap values:

  • none
  • linked
  • external
  • inline

For detailed explanations of these values, see the Bun documentation on source maps.

Watch Mode

Bunup can watch your files for changes and rebuild automatically:

bunup src/index.ts --watch

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    watch: true,

In watch mode, Bunup will monitor your source files and their dependencies, rebuilding only what's necessary when files change.

Target Environments

Bunup allows you to specify the target environment for your bundle:

bunup src/index.ts --target browser

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    target: 'browser',

Available targets:

  • node (default): Optimized for Node.js
  • browser: Optimized for browsers
  • bun: Optimized for the Bun runtime

Output Directory

You can specify where Bunup should output the bundled files:

bunup src/index.ts --out-dir build

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    outDir: 'build',

The default output directory is dist.

Cleaning the Output Directory

By default, Bunup cleans the output directory before each build. You can disable this behavior:

bunup src/index.ts --clean=false

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    clean: false,

Build Callbacks

Bunup provides callback functions that allow you to execute custom logic during the build process.


The onBuildEnd callback runs after the build process completes. This is useful for performing custom post-build operations:

export default defineConfig({
      entry: ['src/index.ts'],
      onBuildEnd: () => {
            console.log('Build completed successfully!');
            // Perform post-build operations here
            // e.g., copying files, running additional tools, etc.

In watch mode, the onBuildEnd callback is executed after each successful rebuild.

Named Configurations

You can give your build configurations names for better logging:

bunup src/index.ts --name my-library

# Configuration file
export default defineConfig({
    name: 'my-library',
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],

This is especially useful when you have multiple configurations:

export default defineConfig([
            name: 'node-build',
            entry: ['src/index.ts'],
            format: ['cjs'],
            target: 'node',
            name: 'browser-build',
            entry: ['src/index.ts'],
            format: ['esm', 'iife'],
            target: 'browser',


Bunup provides robust support for monorepo workspaces, allowing you to define build configurations for multiple packages in a single configuration file.

Basic Workspace Configuration

To define a workspace configuration, use the defineWorkspace function:

import {defineWorkspace} from 'bunup';

export default defineWorkspace([
            name: 'core-package',
            root: 'packages/core',
            config: {
                  entry: ['src/index.ts'],
                  format: ['esm', 'cjs'],
                  dts: true,
            name: 'utils-package',
            root: 'packages/utils',
            config: {
                  entry: ['src/index.ts'],
                  format: ['esm'],
                  dts: true,

Workspace Structure

Each workspace entry requires three properties:

  • name: A unique identifier for the workspace (used in logs)
  • root: The relative path to the workspace root directory
  • config: The build configuration for the workspace (same options as defineConfig)

Multiple Configurations per Workspace

You can define multiple build configurations for a single workspace by using an array for the config property:

export default defineWorkspace([
            name: 'web-package',
            root: 'packages/web',
            config: [
                        name: 'esm-build',
                        entry: ['src/index.ts'],
                        format: ['esm'],
                        target: 'browser',
                        name: 'cjs-build',
                        entry: ['src/index.ts'],
                        format: ['cjs'],
                        target: 'node',

Working with Workspace Paths

All paths in workspace configurations are resolved relative to each workspace's root directory. This means:

  • Entry points are resolved from the workspace root
  • Output is generated relative to the workspace root
  • TypeScript configurations are loaded from the workspace root

For example, with the following configuration:

      name: 'my-package',
      root: 'packages/my-package',
      config: {
            entry: ['src/index.ts'],
            outDir: 'dist',

The entry point will be resolved as packages/my-package/src/index.ts and the output will be written to packages/my-package/dist/.

Running Workspace Builds

To build all workspaces, simply run the bunup command with no additional arguments:


Bunup will automatically detect and build all workspaces defined in your configuration file.

To watch the packages in workspaces and automatically rebuild on file changes, run:

bunup --watch

This single command enables continuous monitoring and rebuilding of all packages in your workspaces.

Released under the MIT License.